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Build abcdesktop docker image for Microsoft Windows using Wine


abcdesktop can run Microsoft Windows applications using Wine.

wine embedded in image

To run Windows applications abcdesktop use wine. A dedicated image template source is ready to use as source of others Windows applications. This template is named abcdesktopio/

Start pulling this template image, if you don't have already done in the previous exercice :

docker pull abcdesktopio/

This image embeded the architecture format win32 win64. By default the WINEARCH is set to win32. The playonlinux package is all ready installed.

Change the od.config configuration file

The homedirectorytype option

To share the home directory /home/balloonvolume data between containers, set the desktop.homedirectorytype to 'volume' in your od.config file.

Edit your own od.config file as described in the chapter Edit your configuration file in docker mode, and make sure that desktop.homedirectorytype is set to 'volume'

desktop.homedirectorytype: 'volume' 

If need, run the docker-compose restart command in your abcdesktop directory where the od.config and the docker-compose.yml are located.

docker-compose restart

Build a new windows putty inside a docker container

In this exercice we are going to install and run putty.exe for Windows inside a docker container for abcdesktop.

PuTTY is an SSH and telnet client, developed originally by Simon Tatham for the Microsoft Windows platform.

Start an abcdesktop session. You can use an authenticated session using an authentication provider external or explicit, or you can do this exercice using Anonymous Authentification also know as the authentication provider implicit.

In this exercice we choose an Anonymous authentification, DO NOT CLOSE YOUR WEB BROWSER, you should not be able de reconnect with the same user context, and have to restart this exercice again.

user loggin as Anonymous

Login using the Anonymous authentification provider.

user logged as Anonymous done

Click on the menu and choose settings options

menu settings

On the Settings dialog box, choose System option

menu settings system

Choose the User container tabs, and select the hostname value.

menu settings system

Copy this value into your clipboard. The hostname use the docker containerid value.

Keep your web browser open, and open a terminal shell on your server, to run docker shell commmand.

Run the docker inspect -f "{{ .HostConfig.Binds }}" and add your CONTAINER ID as parameter.

docker inspect -f "{{ .HostConfig.Binds }}" $CONTAINER_ID

where CONTAINER_ID is your own containerid value.

For example

docker inspect -f "{{ .HostConfig.Binds }}" 5719b77d3f2a

You should read the volume name starting by the prefix tmp- with your uuid value, and a second volume name starting by the prefix home- with your uuid:

[tmp-57be1e5b-0b14-4c05-ae79-75e9a03c77be:/tmp home-57be1e5b-0b14-4c05-ae79-75e9a03c77be:/home/balloon]

We are using the /tmp volume and the /home/balloon volume of your container.

If your are using an anonymous authentification, the name of your container id is formated as an uuid, for example a32deda7-324f-4ee4-9e51-51c1aaf66bcf. The name of the tmp volume is tmp-a32deda7-324f-4ee4-9e51-51c1aaf66bcf and the name of tmp volume is home-a32deda7-324f-4ee4-9e51-51c1aaf66bcf

If your are using an LDAP authentification, the name of your container id is a string equal to the username, for example hermes. The name of the tmp volume is tmp-hermes and the name of tmp volume is home-hermes.

Replace in the command the string TMP_VOLUMENAME by your own tmp volume name.

Replace in the command the string HOME_VOLUMENAME by your own home volume name.

docker run -it -v TMP_VOLUMENAME:/tmp  -v HOME_VOLUMENAME:/home/balloon --user balloon abcdesktopio/ bash

For example with an anonymous user:

docker run -it -v tmp-a32deda7-324f-4ee4-9e51-51c1aaf66bcf:/tmp -v home-a32deda7-324f-4ee4-9e51-51c1aaf66bcf:/home/balloon --user balloon abcdesktopio/ bash 

Great, you have started a new docker container. The oc.user container and your new container is sharing the same volume mounted as /tmp. You get a prompt inside the new docker container.

To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".
See "man sudo_root" for details.


Init the wine directory

wineboot --init

After few seconds you should read on the standard error

0014:err:ole:marshal_object couldn't get IPSFactory buffer for interface {00000131-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}
0014:err:ole:marshal_object couldn't get IPSFactory buffer for interface {6d5140c1-7436-11ce-8034-00aa006009fa}
0014:err:ole:StdMarshalImpl_MarshalInterface Failed to create ifstub, hres=0x80004002
0014:err:ole:CoMarshalInterface Failed to marshal the interface {6d5140c1-7436-11ce-8034-00aa006009fa}, 80004002
0014:err:ole:get_local_server_stream Failed: 80004002
0012:err:ole:marshal_object couldn't get IPSFactory buffer for interface {00000131-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}
0012:err:ole:marshal_object couldn't get IPSFactory buffer for interface {6d5140c1-7436-11ce-8034-00aa006009fa}
0012:err:ole:StdMarshalImpl_MarshalInterface Failed to create ifstub, hres=0x80004002
0012:err:ole:CoMarshalInterface Failed to marshal the interface {6d5140c1-7436-11ce-8034-00aa006009fa}, 80004002
0012:err:ole:get_local_server_stream Failed: 80004002
Could not find Wine Gecko. HTML rendering will be disabled.
Could not find Wine Gecko. HTML rendering will be disabled.
wine: configuration in L"/composer/.wine" has been updated.

And now download putty.exe from the web site

In this example, we use the 64 bits binary format

balloon@8e48719ae72f:~$ wget

Start the putty.exe with wine, with the command wine putty.exe

balloon@5719b77d3f2a:~$ wine putty.exe

After few seconds you should read on the standard error

0009:err:winediag:SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated. Make sure that ntlm_auth >= 3.0.25 is in your path. Usually, you can find it in the winbind package of your distribution.

The wine prefix is WINEPREFIX=/composer/.wine, all files used by wine are stored in /composer/.wine directory.

On abcdesktop display, wine is starting the application putty, after few seconds, Putty is running :

Putty is running

You can use this Putty Windows application to connect to another host using ssh or telnet protocol.

The application Putty is opened and is running in the background. At the right corner, write in the search bar the keyword shell Click on the Web Shell icon, a new Terminal WebShell is now opened :

abcdesktop terminal web shell icon

Run the command to list each X11 windows and get the WMClass name.

wmctrl -lx 

abcdesktop terminal web shell icon

Read the WM_CLASS of the Putty Wine application: putty.exe.Wine

Then exit the web shell and quit on the Putty application. Wine has created a configuration directory in the default directory /composer/.wine.

Build the new putty.d image for abcdesktop

In this chapter we are going to build a new docker image for abcdesktop

The new image is the putty.

Create a directory named build, and create a directory icons inside build

mkdir build
mkdir build/icons
cd build

To build your own json file.

Create a json file named applist.json, inside build directory, and add the content to the json file.

    "template": "abcdesktopio/",
    "preruncommands": [ 
        "ENV WINEARCH=win64",
        "USER $BUSER",
        "RUN wineboot --init",
        "RUN wget -O /composer/bin/putty.exe",
        "RUN echo disable > $WINEPREFIX/.update-timestamp" ],
    "args": "/composer/bin/putty.exe",
    "cat": "utilities",
    "debpackage": "",
    "icon": "putty.svg",
    "keyword": "putty,ssh,terminal",
    "launch": "putty.exe.Wine",
    "name": "putty-wine",
    "displayname": "Putty Wine",
    "path": "/usr/bin/wine"

To fill the data inside the json file :

name Type Data
cat string utilities
icon string putty.svg
keyword string putty,ssh,terminal
launch string putty.exe.Wine
name string putty
path string /usr/bin/wine
args string /composer/bin/putty.exe
template string abcdesktopio/

You can read the following help lines.

  • cat is the category, choose the most appropriate value in the list : [ 'office', 'games', 'graphics', 'development', 'utilities', 'education' ]
  • icon is the name of the icon. abcdesktop support only svg icon file format. To get the icon file, look at the link
  • keyword is a list of the keywords to find the application. Set the value to putty,ssh,terminal.
  • launch is the X11 Class name of the window. To get this value, we need to run the application on GNU/Linux (read the dedicated chapter below).
  • name is the name of the application. Set the value to putty.
  • path is the binary path to run the application.
  • template is the name of the parent image. The default image parent for wine is abcdesktopio/

Save the putty icon file on SVG format to the icons directory.

wget -O icons/putty.svg

Build putty your from applist.json

To build your new image, download the make.js script file. make.js is located in the oc.apps repository. Look at if you can not download this file.

Save make.js it to you build directory. make.js is a nodejs JavaScript file. Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript.

If you don't have already nodejs installed on your system, go to the website nodejs download website and follow the instructions to install nodejs.


In the build directory, you should have

drwxr-xr-x   5 devuser  staff   160 Mar 11 15:15 .
drwxr-xr-x+ 31 devuser  staff   992 Mar 11 15:15 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 devuser  staff   497 Mar 11 15:15 applist.json
drwxr-xr-x   3 devuser  staff    96 Mar 11 15:02 icons
-rw-r--r--   1 devuser  staff  6112 Mar 11 15:12 make.js

total 8
drwxr-xr-x  3 devuser  staff    96 Mar 11 15:02 .
drwxr-xr-x  5 devuser  staff   160 Mar 11 15:15 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 devuser  staff  1909 Oct 31  2015 putty.svg

Run the command make.js

node make.js

make.js build a new DockerFile for putty application. Remember, all application images use container images.

You should get the output

  template: 'abcdesktopio/',
  preruncommands: [
    'ENV WINEARCH=win64',
    'USER $BUSER',
    'RUN wineboot --init',
    'RUN echo disable > $WINEPREFIX/.update-timestamp', 
    'RUN wget -O /composer/bin/putty.exe'
  args: '/composer/bin/putty.exe',
  cat: 'utilities',
  debpackage: '',
  icon: 'putty.svg',
  keyword: 'putty,ssh,terminal',
  launch: 'putty.exe.Wine',
  name: 'putty-wine',
  displayname: 'Putty Wine',
  path: '/usr/bin/wine'

The new files putty-wine.d has been generated :

  • putty-wine.d is the Dockerfile for your putty abcdesktop application

Read the content of the Dockerfile putty-wine.d. List all labels, and confirm that the icon file is uuencoded format. Uuencoding is a form of binary-to-text encoding.

Now it's time to build your putty app. Run the command docker build command.

docker build  --build-arg TAG=latest -f putty-wine.d -t putty-wine.d .

You should read on the standard ouput

[+] Building 21.6s (10/10) FINISHED                                                                                      
 => [internal] load build definition from putty-wine.d                                                              0.0s
 => => transferring dockerfile: 12.46kB                                                                             0.0s
 => [internal] load .dockerignore                                                                                   0.0s
 => => transferring context: 2B                                                                                     0.0s
 => [internal] load metadata for                                    0.0s
 => CACHED [1/6] FROM                                               0.0s
 => [2/6] RUN wineboot --init                                                                                      10.9s
 => [3/6] RUN wget -O /composer/bin/putty.exe             0.6s 
 => [4/6] RUN  if [ -d /usr/share/icons ];   then cd /usr/share/icons;    /composer/; fi                9.2s 
 => [5/6] RUN  if [ -d /usr/share/pixmaps ]; then cd /usr/share/pixmaps;  /composer/; fi                0.4s 
 => [6/6] WORKDIR /home/balloon                                                                                     0.0s 
 => exporting to image                                                                                              0.4s 
 => => exporting layers                                                                                             0.3s 
 => => writing image sha256:2cbe019726e67ecb83af74e944ff932705086e632ab4a57dec719be5e7e654cd                        0.0s 
 => => naming to                                                                     0.0s

Now, your new image is ready to run.

Run your putty for abcdesktop

The API server does not know that you have built your new 2048 application. You have to send a message to the API server, to update the API Server images cache list.

Using your web browser or a curl command, call a http request to notify the API Server


This http request return a json object, with all docker images details :

update app list

Reloead your web browser connected on the abcdesktop website, and log your again as anonymous.

In the search area, type putty. Click on the Putty Application.

search putty

Wine is starting your Putty application :

putty running

Great, you have build a abcdesktop image for Putty, build the application image Putty. You can push this image to your own private docker registry.

Optional add a persistant user.reg and system.reg windows registry files

This is a quick and dirty solution, but it works fine

Your wine configuration is stored in /composer/.wine, and by default user.reg and system.reg are located in the WINEPREFIX directory. The user.reg and system.reg files build when wine starts.

To make a copy of fresh running putty-wine.d image. Start your putty-wine.d image and using a shell located the new user.reg and system.reg files

docker ps -a | grep putty-wine
65d95f4e7717   putty-wine.d:latest                               "/composer/appli-doc…"   16 seconds ago   Up 15 seconds                                                                                                    anonymous-putty-wine-7877d100de0b4363ad24240d67032c8c

Then copy files using the docker cp command

docker cp $CONTAINERID:/composer/.wine/user.reg .
docker cp $CONTAINERID:/composer/.wine/system.reg .

Add them to your default putty-wine.d image using applist.json file :

    "template": "abcdesktopio/",
    "preruncommands": [ 
        "ENV WINEARCH=win64",
        "USER $BUSER",
        "RUN wineboot --init",
        "RUN wget -O /composer/bin/putty.exe",
        "RUN echo disable > $WINEPREFIX/.update-timestamp",
        "COPY --chown=$BUSER:$BUSER user.reg system.reg /composer/.wine" ],
    "args": "/composer/bin/putty.exe",
    "cat": "utilities",
    "debpackage": "",
    "icon": "putty.svg",
    "keyword": "putty,ssh,terminal",
    "launch": "putty.exe.Wine",
    "name": "putty-wine",
    "displayname": "Putty Wine",
    "path": "/usr/bin/wine"

Rebuild your Dockerfile

node make.js
  template: 'abcdesktopio/',
  preruncommands: [
    'ENV WINEARCH=win64',
    'USER $BUSER',
    'RUN wineboot --init',
    'RUN wget -O /composer/bin/putty.exe',
    'RUN echo disable > $WINEPREFIX/.update-timestamp',
    'COPY --chown=$BUSER:$BUSER user.reg system.reg /composer/.wine'
  args: '/composer/bin/putty.exe',
  cat: 'utilities',
  debpackage: '',
  icon: 'putty.svg',
  keyword: 'putty,ssh,terminal',
  launch: 'putty.exe.Wine',
  name: 'putty-wine',
  displayname: 'Putty Wine',
  path: '/usr/bin/wine'
Building putty.exe.Wine

Run the command docker build command.

docker build  --build-arg TAG=latest -f putty-wine.d -t putty-wine.d .

Now your wine keep your registry's updates.