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Uninstall abcdesktop for kubernetes

Command to uninstall abcdesktop release 3.2

To uninstall abcdesktop. Choose run run the bash script using a curl.

Quick uninstallation abcdesktop (Windows)

If you are using a Windows operating system please click on the link below
Quick uninstall for windows

Quick uninstallation abcdesktop (Linux or macOS)

Quick uninstallation can be run on Linux or macOS operation system.

Download and extract the uninstall bash script (Linux or macOS):

curl -sL | bash

You should read on stdout

abcdesktop uninstall script namespace=abcdesktop
[OK] kubectl version
[OK] kubectl get namespace abcdesktop
[OK] delete pods --selector="type=x11server" -n abcdesktop
[OK] use local file abcdesktop.yaml "pyos-role" deleted "pyos-rbac" deleted
serviceaccount "pyos-serviceaccount" deleted
configmap "configmap-mongodb-scripts" deleted
configmap "nginx-config" deleted
secret "secret-mongodb" deleted
deployment.apps "mongodb-od" deleted
deployment.apps "memcached-od" deleted
deployment.apps "nginx-od" deleted
deployment.apps "speedtest-od" deleted
deployment.apps "pyos-od" deleted
endpoints "desktop" deleted
service "desktop" deleted
service "memcached" deleted
service "mongodb" deleted
service "speedtest" deleted
service "nginx" deleted
service "pyos" deleted
deployment.apps "openldap-od" deleted
service "openldap" deleted
[OK] kubectl delete -f abcdesktop.yaml
[OK] kubectl delete secrets --all -n abcdesktop
[OK] kubectl delete configmap --all -n abcdesktop
[OK] kubectl delete pvc --all -n abcdesktop
[INFO] deleting namespace abcdesktop
[OK] namespace "abcdesktop" deleted

Please wait for the output message:

[OK] namespace "abcdesktop" deleted

Great, you have uninstalled abcdesktop for kubernetes.

uninstall with a dedicated namespace

chmod 755

Run the command line with your own namespace

./ --namespace superdesktop

You should read on stdout

abcdesktop uninstall script namespace=superdesktop
[OK] kubectl version
[OK] kubectl get namespace superdesktop
[OK] delete pods --selector="type=x11server" -n superdesktop
[OK] use local file abcdesktop.yaml
[OK] updated abcdesktop.yaml file with new namespace superdesktop "pyos-role" deleted "pyos-rbac" deleted
serviceaccount "pyos-serviceaccount" deleted
configmap "configmap-mongodb-scripts" deleted
configmap "nginx-config" deleted
secret "secret-mongodb" deleted
deployment.apps "mongodb-od" deleted
deployment.apps "memcached-od" deleted
deployment.apps "nginx-od" deleted
deployment.apps "speedtest-od" deleted
deployment.apps "pyos-od" deleted
endpoints "desktop" deleted
service "desktop" deleted
service "memcached" deleted
service "mongodb" deleted
service "speedtest" deleted
service "nginx" deleted
service "pyos" deleted
deployment.apps "openldap-od" deleted
service "openldap" deleted
[OK] kubectl delete -f abcdesktop.yaml
[OK] kubectl delete secrets --all -n superdesktop
[OK] kubectl delete configmap --all -n superdesktop
[OK] kubectl delete pvc --all -n superdesktop
[INFO] deleting namespace superdesktop
[OK] namespace "superdesktop" deleted

Great, you have uninstalled abcdesktop for kubernetes with a dedicated namespace.