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Uninstall abcdesktop for kubernetes

Command to uninstall abcdesktop release 3.1

To uninstall abcdesktop. Choose run run the bash script using a curl.

Quick uninstallation abcdesktop (Linux or macOS)

Quick uninstallation can be run on Linux or macOS operation system.

Download and extract the uninstall bash script (Linux or macOS):

curl -sL | bash

You should read on stdout

abcdesktop uninstall script namespace=abcdesktop
[OK] kubectl version
[OK] kubectl get namespace abcdesktop
[OK] delete pods --selector="type=x11server" -n abcdesktop
[OK] use local file abcdesktop.yaml "pyos-role" deleted "pyos-rbac" deleted
serviceaccount "pyos-serviceaccount" deleted
configmap "configmap-mongodb-scripts" deleted
configmap "nginx-config" deleted
secret "secret-mongodb" deleted
deployment.apps "mongodb-od" deleted
deployment.apps "memcached-od" deleted
deployment.apps "nginx-od" deleted
deployment.apps "speedtest-od" deleted
deployment.apps "pyos-od" deleted
endpoints "desktop" deleted
service "desktop" deleted
service "memcached" deleted
service "mongodb" deleted
service "speedtest" deleted
service "nginx" deleted
service "pyos" deleted
deployment.apps "openldap-od" deleted
service "openldap" deleted
[OK] kubectl delete -f abcdesktop.yaml
[OK] kubectl delete secrets --all -n abcdesktop
[OK] kubectl delete configmap --all -n abcdesktop
[OK] kubectl delete pvc --all -n abcdesktop
[INFO] deleting namespace abcdesktop
[OK] namespace "abcdesktop" deleted

Please wait for the output message:

[OK] namespace "abcdesktop" deleted

Great, you have uninstalled abcdesktop for kubernetes.

uninstall with a dedicated namespace

chmod 755

Run the command line with your own namespace

./ --namespace superdesktop

You should read on stdout

abcdesktop uninstall script namespace=superdesktop
[OK] kubectl version
[OK] kubectl get namespace superdesktop
[OK] delete pods --selector="type=x11server" -n superdesktop
[OK] use local file abcdesktop.yaml
[OK] updated abcdesktop.yaml file with new namespace superdesktop "pyos-role" deleted "pyos-rbac" deleted
serviceaccount "pyos-serviceaccount" deleted
configmap "configmap-mongodb-scripts" deleted
configmap "nginx-config" deleted
secret "secret-mongodb" deleted
deployment.apps "mongodb-od" deleted
deployment.apps "memcached-od" deleted
deployment.apps "nginx-od" deleted
deployment.apps "speedtest-od" deleted
deployment.apps "pyos-od" deleted
endpoints "desktop" deleted
service "desktop" deleted
service "memcached" deleted
service "mongodb" deleted
service "speedtest" deleted
service "nginx" deleted
service "pyos" deleted
deployment.apps "openldap-od" deleted
service "openldap" deleted
[OK] kubectl delete -f abcdesktop.yaml
[OK] kubectl delete secrets --all -n superdesktop
[OK] kubectl delete configmap --all -n superdesktop
[OK] kubectl delete pvc --all -n superdesktop
[INFO] deleting namespace superdesktop
[OK] namespace "superdesktop" deleted

Great, you have uninstalled abcdesktop for kubernetes with a dedicated namespace.