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Sound server configuration

By default abcdesktop use the module-http-protocol-tcp from pulseaudio sound server to send wav data to the web browser

pulseaudio http stream (by default)

By default, abcdesktop uses the pulseaudio http stream and play wave data (poor sound quality but works in https only)

pulseaudio http stream

In terminal webshell run the command :

pactl -s /tmp/.pulse.sock list short modules
balloon@bac345323f37:/var/log/desktop$ pactl -s /tmp/.pulse.sock list short modules
0 module-augment-properties
1 module-null-sink sink_name=u8_1_11025 format=u8 channels=1 rate=11025 sink_properties="device.description='default format=u8 c=1 rate=11025'"
2 module-null-sink sink_name=s16_1_22050 format=s16be channels=1 rate=22050 sink_properties="device.description='default format=s16be c=1 rate=22050'"
3 module-null-sink sink_name=s16_1_44100 format=s16be channels=1 rate=44100 sink_properties="device.description='default format=s16be c=1 rate=44100'"
4 module-null-sink sink_name=ulaw8_1_8000 format=ulaw channels=1 rate=8000 sink_properties="device.description='default format=ulaw c=1 rate=8000'"
5 module-null-sink sink_name=rtp format=alaw channels=1 rate=8000 sink_properties="device.description='RTP Multicast Sink'"
6 module-native-protocol-unix auth-group=balloon socket=/tmp/.pulse.sock
7 module-http-protocol-tcp listen=
8 module-always-sink

webrtc gateway enable

To get a better sound quality, you can use a webrtc gateway and send a rtp stream to the webrtc gateway. abcdesktop plays sound using the web browser webrtc stack (good sound quality)

pulseaudio rtp stream

abcdesktop update the pulseaudio configuration, and add module-rtp-send. The module-rtp-send pusleaudio send to the destination_ip (in this example

pactl -s /tmp/.pulse.sock list short modules
balloon@414e3db9-60d8-4f92-a356-a3a74833990c:~$ pactl -s /tmp/.pulse.sock list short modules
0       module-augment-properties
1       module-null-sink        sink_name=rtp  format=alaw channels=1 rate=8000 sink_properties="device.description='RTP Multicast Sink'"
2       module-native-protocol-unix     auth-group=balloon socket=/tmp/.pulse.sock
3       module-always-sink
4       module-rtp-send source=rtp.monitor destination_ip= port=5119 channels=1 format=alaw

The sink_name is rtp, and the source for the module-rtp-send is rtp.monitor.

The default source is rtp.monitor

Source #
        State: RUNNING
        Name: rtp.monitor
        Description: Monitor of RTP Multicast Sink
        Driver: module-null-sink.c
        Sample Specification: aLaw 1ch 8000Hz
        Channel Map: mono
        Owner Module: 5
        Mute: no
        Volume: mono: 65536 / 100% / 0.00 dB
                balance 0.00
        Base Volume: 65536 / 100% / 0.00 dB
        Monitor of Sink: rtp
        Latency: 0 usec, configured 160000 usec
                device.description = "Monitor of RTP Multicast Sink"
                device.class = "monitor"
                device.icon_name = "audio-input-microphone"

The default output is

Source Output #0
        Driver: module-rtp-send.c
        Owner Module: 9
        Client: n/a
        Source: 4
        Sample Specification: aLaw 1ch 8000Hz
        Channel Map: mono
        Format: pcm, format.sample_format = "\"aLaw\""  format.rate = "8000"  format.channels = "1"  format.channel_map = "\"mono\""
        Corked: no
        Mute: no
        Volume: mono: 65536 / 100% / 0.00 dB
                balance 0.00
        Buffer Latency: 0 usec
        Source Latency: 0 usec
        Resample method: n/a
       = "RTP Monitor Stream"
                rtp.source = ""
                rtp.destination = ""
                rtp.mtu = "1280"
                rtp.port = "5119"
                rtp.ttl = "1"

By default, the format is pcm

Format: pcm, format.sample_format = "\"aLaw\""  format.rate = "8000"  format.channels = "1"  format.channel_map = "\"mono\""

To change the default format update the values in od.config file.

 'audiopt': 8,
 'audiortpmap': 'PCMA/8000',

To get the 'audiopt' and 'audiortpmap' values, read the web pages


  • a janus server
  • add webrtc configuration in od.config file

Install a janus server

Install janus

Install a janus service from on a server

apt-get install janus

Add X509 certificats

Add X509 certificats in your janus.jcfg configuration. Certificate and key to use for DTLS (and passphrase if needed). If missing, Janus will autogenerate a self-signed certificate to use. Notice that self-signed certificates are fine for the purpose of WebRTC DTLS connectivity, for the time being, at least until Identity Providers are standardized and implemented in browsers.

certificates: {
    cert_pem = "/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem"
    cert_key = "/etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key"
    cert_pwd = "secretpassphrase"

add the webrtc entry in od.config

Update the od.config file, for example :

# WebRTC Janus config
webrtc.enable : True
webrtc.server : {   'janus.domain.local' : { 'schema' : 'http',
                                          'host': 'janus.domain.local',
                                          'hostip': '',
                                          'port': 8088,
                                          'audiopt': 8,
                                          'audiortpmap': 'PCMA/8000',
                                          'apisecret': 'janusrocks',
                                          'adminkey': 'supersecret',
                                          'startport': 5100 } }


webrtc.enable is a boolean. The default value is False. Set this value to True to enable webrtc services for pulseaudio.


webrtc.server is a dict. The default value is None. Set all dictionnary values to enable webrtc access for pulseaudio and for the web browser client.

The hostip value, is used by pluse audio to configure the rtp stream. This value must be an ip address (do not set the fqdn). This can be an internal ip address, and is only to configure pulseaudio module and describe how to send stream data to reach the webrtc gateway.

'hostip': ''

The host value, is used by the browser to reach the webrtc gateway and get the rtp stream. This value must(should) be a fqdn. This fqdn is used by the web browser.

webrtc.server : {   'janus.domain.local' : { 'schema' : 'http',
                                          'host': 'janus.domain.local',
                                          'hostip': '',
                                          'port': 8088,
                                          'audiopt': 8,
                                          'audiortpmap': 'PCMA/8000',
                                          'apisecret': 'janusrocks',
                                          'adminkey': 'supersecret',
                                          'startport': 5100 } }