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How to do the labs and exercices

abcdesktop labs and tutorials are written using a desktop host. The supported operating system are :

Operating System Recommended version
GNU/Linux Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS (Bionic Beaver)
macOS/X Catalina version 10.15.3 (and above)
Windows 10 Version 1703 (and above)

Choose desktop or server

  • If you choose server, please translate the URL request http://localhost with the hostname of your server.

For example, if you are doing the exercice on a hostname 'server01.labs.domain.local', you have to translate the URL request http://localhost with http://server01.labs.domain.local

Your web browser (like Google Chrome) may refuse unsecure websocket (ws) connections to localhost or your FQDN (only wss, so you should setup a TLS certificate for your local web/websocket server). It should work without any issues in Mozilla Firefox on localhost.

  • If you choose desktop, the URL request http://localhost will reach your local services.