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Authentification metaexplicit for Microsoft Active Directory services with trust relationships

authmanagers metaexplicit object

The metaexplicit authentification manager contains only one provider. The provider must be defined as metadirectory.

'metaexplicit': {
    'providers': {
      'metadirectory': { 
        'config_ref': 'coporateconfig', 
        'enabled': True
Variable name Type Description
providers dictionary { 'metadirectory': { 'config_ref': 'coporateconfig', 'enabled': True }}

metadirectory provider configuration

The metadirectory provider is defined as a dictionnary object and must contain key name. The key name must be set as the name of a dictionaryin the config_ref.

A metadirectory provider must contain a ldap attribut to describe the original DOMAIN and sAMaccountName. The ldap attribut is defined as join_key_ldapattribut.

coporateconfig : { 'metadirectory': {  
                    'domain'        : 'CORPORATE',
                    'ldap_basedn'   : 'DC=foo,DC=corporate,DC=local',
                    'ldap_fqdn'     : '',
                    'servers'       : [ 'ldap://', 'ldap://', 'ldap://' ],
                    # join_key_ldapattribut must be defined for a metadirectory provider
                    'join_key_ldapattribut' : 'description',
                    'auth_type'  : 'KERBEROS',
                    'domain_fqdn': 'foo.corporate.local',
                    'kerberos_realm': 'FOO.CORPORATE.LOCAL',
                    # serviceaccount must be defined for a metadirectory provider
                    'serviceaccount': { 'login': 'svcaccount', 'password':'superpass' }
                 } } 

Pyos binds the metadirectory ldap server with serviceaccount credentials Pyos read the ldap attribut description value to get the user's trusted domain.

For example :

description: AD\john

Then pyos look for provider AD configuration and process authentification on domain AD

The metadirectory accounts can be disabled. The ldap attribut userAccountControl is not read on metaDirectory provider. The account can have the bit UF_ACCOUNT_DISABLE set or not.

A service account must defined for a metadirectory provider. The service account is used to bind the metadirectory.

Complete example with a metadirectory provider and active directory user domain

The user's domain mane is AD. The meta domain name is CORPORATE. The meta domain use a dedicated attribut join_key_ldapattribut

authmanagers: {
  # define the meta explicit manager
  # This is the trusted external forest for the followed domain
  'metaexplicit': {
    'providers': {
      # define the metadirectory provider
      # only one metadirectory provider is supported 
      'metadirectory': { 
        'config_ref': 'coporateconfig', 
        'enabled': True } 

  # define the Active Directory provider for each DOMAIN
  # define two domains in two disctinct forest with a trust relationship 
  'explicit': { 
    # define an Active Directory provider AD 
    'AD': {  'config_ref': 'adconfig', 'enabled': True },
    # define an Active Directory provider ANOTHER
    'ANOTHER': { 'config_ref': 'anotherconfig', 'enabled': True }  
} # end of authmanagers

# In this example ldap attribut's description contains AD\myuser or ANOTHER\myuser 
coporateconfig : { 'metadirectory': {  
                    'domain'        : 'CORPORATE',
                    'ldap_basedn'   : 'DC=foo,DC=corporate,DC=local',
                    'ldap_fqdn'     : '',
                    'servers'       : [ 'ldap://', 'ldap://', 'ldap://' ],
                    # join_key_ldapattribut must be defined for a metadirectory provider
                    'join_key_ldapattribut' : 'description',
                    'auth_type'  : 'KERBEROS',
                    'domain_fqdn': 'foo.corporate.local',
                    'kerberos_realm': 'FOO.CORPORATE.LOCAL',
                    # serviceaccount must be defined for a metadirectory provider
                    'serviceaccount': { 'login': 'svcaccount', 'password':'superpass' }
                 } }

# define the first DOMAIN AD
# The adconfig ref for domain AD
adconfig : { 'AD': {  'ldap_basedn'   : 'DC=ad,DC=domain,DC=local',
                      'ldap_fqdn'     : '',
                      'domain'        : 'AD',
                      'auth_type'     : 'NTLM',
                      'domain_fqdn'   : 'AD.DOMAIN.LOCAL',
                      'servers'       : [ 'ldap://' ] } }

# define the second DOMAIN ANOTHER
# The anotherconfig ref for domain ANOTHER
anotherconfig : { 'ANOTHER': {
                      'ldap_basedn'   : 'DC=another,DC=super,DC=local',
                      'ldap_fqdn'     : '_ldap._tcp.another.super.local',
                      'domain'        : 'ANOTHER',
                      'auth_type'     : 'KERBEROS',
                      'domain_fqdn'   : 'ANOTHER.SUPER.LOCAL',
                      'servers'       : [ 'ldap://' ],
                      'kerberos_realm': 'AD.SUPER.LOCAL' } }


metadirectory support the foreign security principal (FSP) to query security principal in the trusted external forest. These objects are created in the foreign security principals container of the domain. metadirectory support isMemberOf on foreign security principal.

The user's SID of domain 'AD' or 'ANOTHER' is NOT read. A new ldap bind is done using the trusted domain on metadirectory provider and not unsing the service account.

The ldap query is build : ( "search_base={q.basedn}, search_scope={q.scope}, search_filter={filter}" )

To get more information about foreign security principal (FSP), read :