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Authentification explicit for LDAP Directory Services

authmanagers explicit object

explicit authentification use a directory service. A bind operation is used to authenticate clients to the directory server, to establish an authorisation identity that will be used for subsequent operations processed on that connection.

The explicit authentification configuration is defined as a dictionary object and contains an explicit provider.

For example :

'explicit': {
    'providers': {
      'LDAP': { 
        'config_ref': 'ldapconfig', 
        'enabled': True

In this example, ldapconfig dict must have a key LDAP

Variable name Type Description
default_domain string set the default domain name, if user does not prefix the login by domain\s. default_domain is only used by Active Directory provider
providers dictionary { 'LDAP': { 'config_ref': 'ldapconfig', 'enabled': True }}

providers configuration

The provider authentification configuration is defined as a dictionary object and must contain a key name. The key name must be set with the same value in provider configuration and config_ref.

The provider is formatted as a dictionary. Example for a provider defined as planet

 { 'planet': {  
            'config_ref': 'ldapconfig',  
            'enabled': True  
Variable name Type Description
config_ref string For increased readability , the configuration is defined in a dedicated and separated dictionary as (key,value) 'config_ref': 'planet', where key is config_ref and value is the dictionary variable name.
enable boolean True to enable or False to disable the provider configuration

The ldapconfig is a dictionary.

For example :

ldapconfig : { 
  'planet': {    
    'default'       : True, 
    'ldap_timeout'  : 15,
    'ldap_protocol' : 'ldap',
    'ldap_basedn'   : 'ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com',
    'servers'       : [ 'ldap://' ],
    'serviceaccount': { 'login': 'cn=admin,dc=planetexpress,dc=com', 'password': 'GoodNewsEveryone' } 

ldap configuration reference

Variable name Type Description Example
default boolean Use this ldap configuration as default (if more than one ldap auth provider is defined) True
auth_only boolean Do not run ldap queries, only use to run authentication False
auth_type string authentification protocol to bind the ldap server. Values can be 'KERBEROS', 'NTLM' or 'SIMPLE' The default value is 'SIMPLE'
basedn string LDAP base Distinguished Name ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com
servers list of string list of LDAP servers (IP Adress or FQDN), if entry does not respond, the next one is used. This entry must be prefixed by the protocol ldap or ldaps for each server [ 'ldap://', 'ldaps://' ] LDAP server address IP Address or FQDN value
scope LDAP Perform an LDAP search operation, with base as the DN of the entry at which to start the search, scope being one of SCOPE_BASE (to search the object itself), SCOPE_ONELEVEL (to search the object’s immediate children), or SCOPE_SUBTREE (to search the object and all its descendants). ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
timeout integer ldap time out in second 10
exec_timeout integer execute time out in seconds, to obtain ntlm_auth credentials, or cntlm auth credentials, or kerberos keytab file the exec timeout is used to run external command line. 10
users_ou string Users Organisation Unit ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com
attrs list list of default attributs to read in user object. read the Definition of the inetOrgPerson LDAP Object Class
filter string LDAP filter to find user object (&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(cn=%s))
group_filter string LDAP filter to find group object (&(objectClass=Group)(cn=%s))
group_attrs string LDAP filter to find group object (&(objectClass=Group)(cn=%s))
serviceaccount dictionary entries to defined service account credentials formatted like { 'login': 'cn=admin,dc=planetexpress,dc=com', 'password': 'GoodNewsEveryone' } or { 'login': 'file://config/serviceaccount/login', 'password': 'file://config/serviceaccount/passwd' }

ldap service account

Ldap service account permits service account binding. A service account can be defined using clear text login and password data, or as file reference login and password starting by file://.

  • If login starts by file://, then pyos open the defined file to read login data.
  • If password starts by file://, then pyos open the defined file to read password data.

The file reference file:// for login and password is used to read kubernetes secret file data.

Configure Auth using the OpenLDAP container

OpenLDAP container for testing

To configure abcdesktop to use an explicit authentification, we need a directory service. We use an OpenLDAP container for testing with provisioned values. docker-test-openldap from rroemhild works fine ans id very useful.

Read the OpenLDAP container for testing documentation on the url abcdesktop OpenLDAP Docker Image for testing

Update the od.config configuration file

Update the od.config configuration file.

Add the explicit entry to the dictionary authmanagers.

authmanagers: {
  'external': {
  'explicit': {
    'show_domains': True,
    'providers': {
      'planet': { 
        'config_ref': 'ldapconfig', 
        'enabled': True
  'implicit': {

Note: the config_ref is ldapconfig.

Add a new dictionary object named ldapconfig to the configuration file. These values come from the LDAP structure of OpenLDAP Docker Image for testing

ldapconfig : { 'planet': {    
                        'default'       : True, 
                        'ldap_basedn'   : 'ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com',
                        'servers'       : [ 'ldap://openldap' ] }}

Save your new od.config file.

Open the URL:http://localhost:30443

The authmanagers explicit is enabled. The Web home page insert the new input values Login and Password to authenticate this user.


The LDAP structure of OpenLDAP container for testing


The basedn is dc=planetexpress,dc=com

admin account

The admin account is described as

Admin Secret
cn=admin,dc=planetexpress,dc=com GoodNewsEveryone

OU Users

  • The User Orgnanistation Unit is ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com


cn=Hubert J. Farnsworth,ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com

Attribute Value
objectClass inetOrgPerson
cn Hubert J. Farnsworth
sn Farnsworth
description Human
displayName Professor Farnsworth
employeeType Owner
employeeType Founder
givenName Hubert
jpegPhoto JPEG-Photo (630x507 Pixel, 26780 Bytes)
ou Office Management
title Professor
uid professor
userPassword professor

cn=Philip J. Fry,ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com

Attribute Value
objectClass inetOrgPerson
cn Philip J. Fry
sn Fry
description Human
displayName Fry
employeeType Delivery boy
givenName Philip
jpegPhoto JPEG-Photo (429x350 Pixel, 22132 Bytes)
ou Delivering Crew
uid fry
userPassword fry

cn=John A. Zoidberg,ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com

Attribute Value
objectClass inetOrgPerson
cn John A. Zoidberg
sn Zoidberg
description Decapodian
displayName Zoidberg
employeeType Doctor
givenName John
jpegPhoto JPEG-Photo (343x280 Pixel, 26438 Bytes)
ou Staff
title Ph. D.
uid zoidberg
userPassword zoidberg

cn=Hermes Conrad,ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com

Attribute Value
objectClass inetOrgPerson
cn Hermes Conrad
sn Conrad
description Human
employeeType Bureaucrat
employeeType Accountant
givenName Hermes
ou Office Management
uid hermes
userPassword hermes

cn=Turanga Leela,ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com

Attribute Value
objectClass inetOrgPerson
cn Turanga Leela
sn Turanga
description Mutant
employeeType Captain
employeeType Pilot
givenName Leela
jpegPhoto JPEG-Photo (429x350 Pixel, 26526 Bytes)
ou Delivering Crew
uid leela
userPassword leela



Attribute Value
objectClass Group
cn admin_staff
member cn=Hubert J. Farnsworth,ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com
member cn=Hermes Conrad,ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com


Attribute Value
objectClass Group
cn ship_crew
member cn=Turanga Leela,ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com
member cn=Philip J. Fry,ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com
member cn=Bender Bending Rodríguez,ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com

Insert the user credentials

Start your web browser and open the URL http://localhost

The Web home page contains the new input values Login and Password to authenticate this user.

You can use for example on user of the list above.

Credentials Value
Login Turanga Leela
Password leela


Insert the login credentials :

Turanga Leela as login and leela as password, then click on the Sign in button.


Look at the top of the sreen. The user name is Turanga Leela: auth-provider-explicit-ldap-login-user-turanga

Applications remainted

Start LibreOffice Writer, and start a new file for your instructor. Type few words for example :

I like this amazing project

Do not save your file and just close your web browser.

Start your web browser again, and open the same URL http://localhost, and log in with the same account: Turanga Leela as login and leela as password, then click on the Sign in button.

The application LibreOffice Writer is still running and the greeting message I like this amazing project

All applications are maintained.

Great, you have check how the explicit Authentification configuration works, install an openldap directory service, and check that all sessions are maintained.