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stack entry in od.config


stack.mode describes how can manage user's containers and application.

  • If you run a docker only daemon, set the value to standalone.
  • If you run a kubernetes cluster, set the value to kubernetes.
stack.mode Description
standalone Use a dockerd only, this is for personal usage
kubernetes Use a kubernetes services


stack.kubernetesdefaultdomain is the default domain name configured in kubernetes cluster. This value is type is string and only read if stack.mode is kubernetes.

The default value is abcdesktop.svc.cluster.local

If option value mongodb or memcached are set, the values are NOT overridden, and keep unchanged.

If option value mongodb or memcached are set to None (by default), then stack.kubernetesdefaultdomain is used to complete the FQDN of mongodb and memcached servers name. This value is concatenated to the server hostname.

Hostname FQDN
mongodb mongodb.abcdesktop.svc.cluster.local
memcached memcached.abcdesktop.svc.cluster.local

The dns resolution need a running core-dnsis the namespace kube-system

stack.kubernetesdefaultdomain is used also if desktop.desktopuseinternalfqdn: True

The pod name FQDN is built using the $podid.desktop.$stack.kubernetesdefaultdomain

For example, by default :
