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Configuration file

The authentification configuration is set in the od.config file. In this chapter you will need to update the od.config configuration file. This update differs depending on the configuration docker mode or kubernetes mode.

Read the Update your configuration file and apply the new configuration file section to make change in od.config file for docker, or edit the abcdesktop.yaml file for kubernetes cluster.

The dictionary authmanagers

The authmanagers is defined as a dictionnary object :

authmanagers: {
  'external': { },
  'explicit': { },
  'implicit': { }

The od.config defines 3 kinds of entries in the authmanagers object :

  • external: use for OAuth 2.0 Authentification
  • explicit: use for LDAP, LDAPS and ActiveDirectory Authentification
  • implicit: use for Anonymous Authentification
authmanagers type Description
external OAuth 2.0 Authentification
explicit LDAP, LDAPS and Active Directory Authentification
implicit Anonymous Authentification



You should have read the hands-on :

Change authmanagers configuration

Edit your od.config pyos configuration file, and set the value to the authmanagers dictionnay with empty values for implicit, explicit, and external, as describe :

authmanagers: {
  'external': { },
  'explicit': { },
  'implicit': { }

Save your new od.config file.

The config file od.config has changed and running inside the container should restart. If it doesn't, restart your docker-compose to ake sure that the the your new od.config file.

docker-compose restart

Start your web browser and open the URL http://localhost

authmanangers no provider

The Web home page should only show the title There is no authmanagers available.

Great you can now add some value to authenticate your users.

authmanagers implicit:

implicit is the easyest configuration mode, and is used as 'Anonymous' authentification. Read the authmanagers implicit Section.

authmanagers explicit:

explicit is the easyest configuration mode, and is used as 'Anonymous' authentification. Read the authmanagers explicit Section.

authmanagers external:

external is the easyest configuration mode, and is used as 'Anonymous' authentification. Read the authmanagers external Section.

Authmanagers configuration sample

In the authmanagers implicit section, authmanagers explicit section, and authmanagers external section, you have learned how to defined the providers. You can set a complete authmanagers dictionnary as described for example :

authmanagers: {
  'external': {
    'providers': {
      'facebook': { 
        'displayname': 'Facebook', 
        'enabled': True,
        'client_id':     'XXXXXXX', 
        'client_secret': 'YYYYYYY', 
        'dialog_url': '{client_id}&redirect_uri={callback_url}&response_type=code',
        'auth_url': '{code}&redirect_uri={callback_url}&client_id={client_id}&client_secret={client_secret}',
        'userinfo_url': '{access_token}&fields=picture.width(400),name',
        'callback_url': '{}&provider={name}',
        'userinfomap': {
            '*': '*',
            'picture': ''
      'orange': {       
        'displayname': 'Orange', 
        'enabled': True,
        'basic_auth': True,
        'userinfo_auth': True,
        'client_id':      'AAAAAAAA', 
        'client_secret':  'BBBBBBBB',
        'dialog_url': '{client_id}&redirect_uri={callback_url}&scope=openid+profile+offline_access&response_type=code&prompt=login+consent&state={callba
        'auth_url': '{code}&redirect_uri={callback_url}&grant_type=authorization_code', 
        'userinfo_url': '',
        'callback_url': '{}&provider={name}'
      'mobileorange': { 
        'displayname': 'Mobile Connect', 
        'enabled': False,
        'client_id':     'CCCCCCCC', 
        'client_secret': 'DDDDDDDD',
        'basic_auth': True,
        'dialog_url': '{client_id}&redirect_uri={callback_url}&scope=openid+profile&response_type=code&prompt=login+consent&state=&state={callback_url}'
        'auth_url': '{code}&redirect_uri={callback_url}&grant_type=authorization_code', 
        'userinfo_url': '',
        'callback_url': '{}&provider={name}'
      'google': { 
        'displayname': 'Google', 
        'enabled': True,
        'client_id':     '', 
        'client_secret': 'FFFFFFFF',
        'scope': '',
        'dialog_url': '{client_id}&redirect_uri={callback_url}&response_type=code&scope={scope}',
        'auth_url': '{code}&grant_type=authorization_code&redirect_uri={callback_url}&scope={scope}&client_id={client_id}&client_secret={client_secret}',
        'userinfo_url': '{access_token}',
        'callback_url': '{}&provider={name}'
  'explicit': {
    'show_domains': True,
    'default_domain': 'AD',
    'providers': {
      'AD': { 
        'config_ref': 'adconfig', 
        'enabled': True
  'implicit': {
    'providers': {
      'anonymous': {
        'displayname': 'Anonymous',
        'caption': 'Have a look !',
        'userid': 'anonymous',
        'username': 'Anonymous'

adconfig : { 'AD': {    'default'       : True, 
                        'ldap_timeout'  : 15,
                        'ldap_protocol' : 'ldap',
                        'ldap_basedn'   : 'DC=ad,DC=domain,DC=local',
                        'ldap_fqdn'     : '',
                        'domain'        : 'AD',
                        'domain_fqdn': 'AD.DOMAIN.LOCAL',
                             'servers'  : [ '', ''  ],
                        'kerberos_realm': 'AD.DOMAIN.LOCAL',
                             'query_dcs'    : True