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Authentification rules configuration

All auth providers support rules configuration

A rule take some parameters and set label to the auth user. All labels are stored inside the JWT Auth token. The labels are use to define a container execution context. For example to set a dedicated network for firefox application ( read the how-to )

The rule object

A rule is a dictionary object with :

  • a name (the entry of the rules)
  • one or more conditions
  • and expected boolean value True or False
  • a label to set if the conditions are equal to the expected boolean value

Example :

To test if the user source IP address is equal to

'rule-home': { 
    'conditions' : [   { 'network': '', 'expected' : True } ],
                         'expected' : True,
                         'label': 'homeipsource' }

The conditions object

conditions is a list of condition. All condition are always tested, as a logical AND. The result must be equal to the expected value.


Example (TRUE and TRUE) expected TRUE:

To test if the user source IP address is in the subnet to AND is memberOf ldap group DN 'cn=ship_crew,ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com'

 'rule-sample': { 'conditions':  [ 
    { 'network': '', 'expected' : True },
    { 'memberOf': 'cn=ship_crew,ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com',  'expected' : True } ], 
    'expected' : True,
    'label': 'shipcrewandnet80'

Add the labels 'shipcrewandnet80', if the 'expected' value is True

Example (TRUE and TRUE) expected FALSE:

To test if the user source IP address is NOT in the subnet to AND is NOT a memberOf ldap group DN 'cn=ship_crew,ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com'

 'rule-sample': { 'conditions':  [ 
    { 'network': '', 'expected' : True },
    { 'memberOf': 'cn=ship_crew,ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com',  'expected' : True } ], 
    'expected' : False,
    'label': 'noshipcrewandnet80'

Add the labels 'noshipcrewandnonet80', if the 'expected' value is False

Example (TRUE and FALSE) expected TRUE:

To test if the user source IP address is in the subnet to AND is NOT a memberOf ldap group DN 'cn=ship_crew,ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com'

 'rule-sample': { 'conditions':  [ 
    { 'network': '', 'expected' : True },
    { 'memberOf': 'cn=ship_crew,ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com',  'expected' : False } ], 
    'expected' : True,
    'label': 'noshipcrewandnet80'

Add the labels 'noshipcrewandnet80', if the 'expected' value is True

Example (FALSE and TRUE) expected TRUE:

To test if the user source IP address is NOT in the subnet to AND is a memberOf ldap group DN 'cn=ship_crew,ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com'

 'rule-sample': { 'conditions':  [ 
    { 'network': '', 'expected' : False },
    { 'memberOf': 'cn=ship_crew,ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com',  'expected' : True } ], 
    'expected' : True,
    'label': 'shipcrewandnonet80'

Add the labels 'shipcrewandnonet80', if the 'expected' value is True

The condition value

name description example
boolean always true or false 'boolean' : 'true'
httpheader test a HTTP header value 'httpheader':
memberOf test if the LDAP user object is member of group 'memberOf': [ 'cn=ship_crew,ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com']
network test if the client user IP Address is in a network subnet 'network': [ '']
primarygroupid test if the LDAP user object has a attibute primaryGroupID and is equal to value 'primarygroupid': '513'

condition boolean

This condition is a dummy condition; Only use to force a label or to disable a test.

'boolean': boolean

The commun usage is

'rule-dummy': { 'conditions':  [  { 'boolean': True, 'expected' : True  } ],
                   'expected' : True,
                 'label': 'dummy'

or alway False

'rule-dummy': { 'conditions':  [  { 'boolean': True, 'expected' : True  } ],
                   'expected' : False,
                 'label': 'dummy'

condition httpheader

This condition is test if a HTTP Header value is equal to a string.

'httpheader': dict

example : if the 'User-Agent' is equal to 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 11_2_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.146 Safari/537.36' then add the label 'chromemaxosx112'

 'rule-httpheader': { 
        'conditions' : [ 
            {   'httpheader': { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 11_2_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/88.0.4324.146 Safari/537.36' }, 
                'expected' : True  } ],
        'expected' : True,
        'label': 'chromemaxosx112' }

condition network

This condition is test if the client source ip address is in a subnet. IPv4 and IPv6 are supported.

'network': string


To test if the user source IP address is equal to

'rule-home': { 
    'conditions' : [   { 'network': '', 'expected' : True } ],
                         'expected' : True,
                         'label': 'homeipsource' }

To test if the user source IP address is in the subnet

'rule-localnet': { 
    'conditions' : [   { 'network': '', 'expected' : True } ],
                         'expected' : True,
                         'label': 'localnet' }

To test if the user source IP address is NOT in the subnet

'rule-localnet': { 
    'conditions' : [   { 'network': '', 'expected' : False } ],
                         'expected' : True,
                         'label': 'no192168net' }

same as

'rule-localnet': { 
    'conditions' : [   { 'network': '', 'expected' : True } ],
                         'expected' : False,
                         'label': 'no192168net' }
IPv4 and IPv6 subnets support

To support private ip addresses subnet in the rfc 1918 and rfc 3927, write separated rules. Both IPv6 and IPv4 addresses are supported. You can share the same label privatenetwork a separated rule.

'policies': {
    'acl' : {},
    'rules' : { 
          'rule-privatenetwork-10': {   'conditions' : [ { 'network': '', 'expected' : True } ], 
                                            'expected'   : True, 
                                            'label': 'privatenetwork' },
          'rule-privatenetwork-172': {'conditions' : [ { 'network': '', 'expected' : True } ], 
                                            'expected'   : True, 
                                            'label': 'privatenetwork' },
          'Rule-privatenetwork-192': {'conditions' : [ { 'network': '',     'expected' : True } ], 
                                            'expected'   : True, 
                                            'label': 'privatenetwork' },
          'Rule-privatenetwork-169': {'conditions' : [ { 'network': '',     'expected' : True } ], 
                                            'expected'   : True, 
                                            'label': 'privatenetwork' },
          'rule-privatenetwork-fe80':{  'conditions' : [ { 'network': 'fe80::/10',     'expected' : True } ], 
                                                'expected'   : True, 
                                                'label': 'privatenetwork' }

condition memberof

This condition test if the user is a member of a LDAP Distinguished Name.

'memberOf': string
 'rule-sample': { 'conditions':  [ 
    { 'memberOf': 'cn=ship_crew,ou=people,dc=planetexpress,dc=com',  'expected' : True } ], 
    'expected' : True,
    'label': 'shipcrewgrp'

condition primarygroupid

This test is only used with Microsoft Active Directory. primarygroupid test if the user attibute primaryGroupID is equal to a string.

'primarygroupid': string

To check is a user is memberof a DOMAIN\USER the primary group id is 513

'rule-domainuser': {    'conditions':  [ { 'primarygroupid': '513', 'expected' : True } ],
                            'expected' : True,
                            'label': 'domainuser'

However, if the user needed to be seen as a Domain Admin for POSIX, the PrimaryGroupID is 512, the RID for that group.

'rule-posixdomainadmin': {  'conditions':  [ { 'primarygroupid': '519', 'expected' : True } ],
                            'expected' : True,
                            'label': 'posixdomainadmin'

The Enterprise Admins group, 519, is also used to grant this level in POSIX.

'rule-enterpriseadmin': {   'conditions':  [ { 'primarygroupid': '519', 'expected' : True } ],
                            'expected' : True,
                            'label': 'enterpriseadmin'